Botak 100: From an “Active Spectator’s” Perspective (Part 2)

After a few kilometers within UP Diliman Campus we exited on Katipunan Ave. and found ourselves running inside a very nice subdivision.  From that point everything for me was unchartered territory—I’m glad that I have my GF405 with me to keep track on where we’re going.  Eventually we arrived at Tumana Bridge that links Quezon…

Botak 100: From an “Active Spectator’s” Perspective (Part 1)

Botak 100 was the first road ultramarathon set entirely in Metro Manila with routes spanning the cities of Marikina and Quezon City and being an “active spectator” I got to see this race from a different angle this time around. I called myself an “active spectator” during this race because unlike a normal spectator that…

5th of July, 2009: The Road to the Marathon is Set

The fifth of July, 2009 at the Manila eliminations race of the 33rd Milo Marathon, the road to the marathon is set, and I’ll be having my debut. Yes, you read it right—after almost 11 months since my first race ever and 7 months since my first Milo Marathon experience, I’m taking the big leap…

Men’s Health All Terrain: Back on Trails

The All Terrain Race can be described as salvation for Men’s Health—the race was n a different caliber that everyone seemed to forget the past mishaps of races by Men’s Health.  This was of course made possible by the race’s new organizer and with that, blazing fast race results. The Trails It’s either I’ve…

Freedom Climb Chronicles (Part 2: Day One, Assault to Base Camp)

9:30AM at the jump off point of Pico de Loro: the group was complete and set for the climb.  A steep incline immediately greets us and although not that difficult it was a nice welcome. The trails of Pico de Loro were very nice.  Despite being a very popular trekking destination it was so nice…