Lenten 2014: The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes

For many people, the Holy Week means a lot of different things—from vacation to visiting churches.  While I don’t observe the holidays in the traditional manner, I still opt to keep away from merry socials.  This year though I did something different from past few year’s Visita Iglesia.

Back on the Trails of Hamilo Coast: Salomon XTrail Run

After a long time of hiatus from joining races, I finally got back.  And it was Salomon XTrail Run that got me back on my feet for my first race of the year.  I can’t say no when Salomon invited me, and I can’t miss the chance of running in one of my favorite places…

Bay Area Chronicles: Way Back Home

It is always bittersweet whenever a trip draws to an end.  Most especially if you’re having a great time!  But going home doesn’t mean that the adventure is over! This is part of a series ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦