2010 in Pictures

2010 was the year running took a backseat from my list of activities, but in between my great hiatus there were some interesting events that transpired.  Here’s a look back at how 2010 was for me: January The highlight for the first month of 2010 was my return to running with a 50K test run…

In-Action at Action & Fitness (A&F) Magazine

If you happen to have the July 2010 issue of Action & Fitness (A&F) Magazine our Mt. Maculot adventure is featured on the Travel & Adventure section, page 92, courtesy of our climb muse Vicky Ras.  This is my first time to appear with A&F and first time to be featured not running!  Thank you…

Mt. Maculot Revisited (Part 2)

The challenges were going back up the trails and retrace our route from the summit to find the right way.  Luckily my teammates followed my suggestion of packing light so despite the crumbling ground, with teamwork they were able to pull through with relative difficulty.  I however didn’t with my weight training.  Mt. Maculot was…

Mt. Maculot Revisited (Part 1)

Stubborn as I am my injury wasn’t enough to keep me in one place—once again I’m out and about on an adventure, this time to revisit an “old friend” Mt. Maculot.  And what perfect date to set it but on another long weekend courtesy of Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor), the 9th of April….

TNF100 Philippines 2010: Prep Up

This year one of the region’s toughest ultramarathon race is back, The North Face 100.  For its 2010 edition it would be held in the Philippines’ summer capital, Baguio City (1,500 meters above sea level).  TNF100 is not your “typical” trails—the higher elevation should pose a greater challenge. TNF100 holds a special place in my…

Extreme Weekend Adventure at Mt. Maculot

Friday, straight from the office, I, together with eight of my friends, met up in Buendia for our weekend getaway.  It was our first trekking adventure together so we were naturally excited.  Unbeknownst to us that this getaway would be more than just a typical climb—it would be an extreme adventure!   I’ll admit that…