A Hot and Wet Weekend

Unrested but not restless—that’s my weekend.  A very hot Saturday matched with a wet Sunday.

Hot Saturday at Nestea Fit Camp Hot

We’ve been aware of Camp Hot since its first week but we’re too preoccupied doing everything else to give it a try until last Saturday.  It started with a casual online chat about Frisbee until before we knew it we all agreed to visit the camp to do just that.  In case you’re wondering Camp Hot is held every Saturday on an empty space just across Bonifacio High Street near Serendra.  Think of it as a clinic for several summer activities such as Beach Volleyball, Beach Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Touch Football, Flag Football, Hip hop, Yoga, etc.  That Saturday we were lucky that for a mere P50 we had all access pass—aside from the standard tumbler, bandana, and bottomless iced tea normally tied with the entrance fee. Had we registered during the first two weeks we would’ve had a goodie bag filled with items and a nice shirt for P150!

We arrived at around 10AM but it was midway of all session schedules so we had to wait for our turn.  For our first Camp Hot activity, Frisbee, we got the 11AM-1PM slot—heat training?!  As much as I had wanted to avoid the sun it eventually got me and prevailed!  Sun 1, runningpinoy 0. I think I got more tan during our Frisbee session than during BDM102, but I don’t mind as I had so much fun!

Serious? Courtesy Marvin Opulencia

Our Camp Hot activity didn’t stop with Frisbee.  After having lunch (right there in the compound) we looked for more fun things to do and we found Poi—the one done usually by fire dancers at the beach at night.  As much as it was also fun, having lack of coordination would make it quite challenging—not to mention painful!

Our very sexy Poi instructor

Last activity for the day, Hip hop (Krump)!  Who else is more qualified to teach us Hip hop than the All Stars?  Not only were they good, they were also nice.  As a person who doesn’t really dance I had so much fun and somehow survived.  What made our dance session more exciting was when we had a “showdown.”  After completing our choreography we were divided into two groups to try to “out-dance” each other.  Surprisingly our group won!  Of course it was all for the spirit of fun so there wasn’t really any prize, and after that we were treated with solos from the All Stars members and some “gutsy” dancers.

Time for a “showdown.”

Wet Sunday at Ateneo

The pools of Ateneo staged another Aquathlon event participated in by many of my friends.  This would be the first time that I’d be watching an event and as a “recreational swimmer” I was amazed by how competitive this sport was.  Interestingly the run leg was also way different than what were accustomed to as it was held in the middle of the day!  Even just as a spectator I really had fun, and of course at the back of my mind I was also thinking when I’d be able to do such (after a barrage of “you’re not joining?” hehe).  The event was made even more special when three of my friends finished on the top three of their respective age categories.  Who says runners are only good on land?

The very competitve male participants during the swim leg

As the events were held during Manny Pacquiao’s fight none of us were able to watch it, but of course at this day and age there’s no escaping news of his win (or lose, no matter how hard you try!  “Push technology” at its finest and most annoying :)).  We were celebrating our friends’ victories when we received this news but surprisingly our reactions were pretty much “boring!”

I wonder what his shoe size is…

I wasn’t able to get a decent rest this weekend but still I enjoyed it a lot!  If there was one thing I wished that I was able to do this weekend it would be my laundry! (Two weeks’ worth and counting!)  Congratulations to Ellen and Roselle for placing third, and Carina second in their respective age categories! Oh, congratulations as well Manny for yet another win!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Rod says:

    you have a boring weekend pare… hehehe

    about the laundry, sabi nga ni ace… “SIDE B” =D


    1. dhenztm says:

      Oo nga eh kaya installment ang laba hehe… Meron pang “Side C” hehehe


  2. RUNNING DIVA says:

    What a weekend, eh? Hope you did well during your ‘laundry training’ ;). Thanks for supporting the activity last Sunday. Glad you tried ultimate frisbee.


    1. dhenztm says:

      I loved every moment of it! Thanks RD! 🙂


  3. Lynx says:

    Wow that was a fun-filled weekend for you 🙂 Never tried frisbees and it’s been eons of years since i had my last dance. Must be fun to do ém outdoors. Anyway, keep posting new stories!


    1. dhenztm says:

      Well it’s not two late to join Camp Hot. We still have two Saturdays. 😀


  4. Kapagod… mas kakapagod pa sa office… hehehe!


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